Legal Notices
Ownership of the Website
This Website (Site), is created and managed by the Company GEFA S.R.L.S - VAT and Tax Code. 03139870608 with headquarters in via Maria 105-111 - 03100 Frosinone.
Conditions of use of the site
Anyone who accesses or uses this website accepts without restriction to be bound by the conditions specified here. If he does not accept them or does not intend to be bound by them, he cannot access the site or use the related material. Access to the aforementioned site ( by users (hereinafter the "User") implies acceptance of the following terms and conditions. These terms and conditions may be updated and / or modified at any time and at its sole discretion by GESFA S.R.L.S without any need to give prior notice to users.
Site contents
Reproduction by any mechanical, analogical or digital means of the material included in the domain without the consent of GEFA S.R.L.S. is strictly prohibited. Quotations of the texts contained in the domains are allowed for the sole purpose of news or study, provided they are accompanied, always and in any case, by the mention of the name of GEFA SRLS (as owner of the material contained in the site) as well as by the indication of the source including the address telematic. The information is provided exclusively for the Site and does not concern any other sites that can be reached by the user through the links on the latter.
Type of data collected and processed
GEFA SRLS, as Data Controller, collects data that allow the user to be identified, such as the IP address and domain names of the computer, information relating to the actions performed by the user when browsing the website, data relating to the preferences expressed by the user in the browsing experience. These data are used for the sole purpose of checking the correct functioning of the Site and are deleted immediately after processing. The data could be used to ascertain responsibility in the event of computer crimes against the Site: except for this possibility, the data on web contacts are currently kept for a maximum period of five days.
Warranties and Limitations of Liability
The information contained on the Website is provided in good faith: it may be vitiated by typographical errors or otherwise be inaccurate. GEFA S.R.L.S. assumes no responsibility for any errors, inaccuracies or omissions of any nature whatsoever relating to the information published on the Website. GEFA S.R.L.S. is not liable for any damages or prejudices resulting from the consultation of the Website. The User acknowledges that he is using the Website at his own risk. The service is provided in the state in which it is located and GEFA S.R.L.S. does not provide any guarantee, explicit and / or implicit, including - by way of example and without claiming to be exhaustive - any guarantee of accuracy, reliability, ownership, non-infringement, suitability for specific purposes of the information contained in the Website or provided by the Website Web itself. GEFA S.R.L.S. is not responsible towards the Users of the Website or any third party for any direct, indirect, consequential or punitive damages allegedly sustained as a result of accessing and / or inability to access the Website, including the case of viruses presumably received from the Website, the use or reliance made on the Website or any of the information or materials available on the Website.
Cookies are text files that contain information packets that are stored on your computer or mobile device every time you visit an online site through a browser. At each subsequent visit, the browser sends these cookies to the website that originated them or to another site. Cookies allow sites to remember some information to allow you to browse online quickly and easily. There are two main types of cookies: session cookies and persistent cookies. Session cookies are automatically deleted from your computer when you close your browser, while persistent cookies remain stored on your computer unless they are deleted or reach their expiration date. We use cookies for the site to function properly, to continuously provide you with the best possible browsing experience, to perform analysis on the use of our website, to display advertisements that are interesting for you when you browse other sites and to ensure the functionality of social networks. .
GEFA S.R.L.S. processes the personal data collected, obtained and in any case acquired in carrying out its business in compliance with the principles and rules established by the European Regulation no. 679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of such data ("Regulation"), and subsequent amendments and additions, by the national legislation in force as well as by any provisions issued by the Authority of Control, where applicable.