Riferimento: Tuya-AWQ01
Marca: Tuya
Tuya Tester di Qualità dell'Acqua Smart WiFi 6in1
Misuratore di Temperatura, PH, TDS, EC, SG e Salinità ad ultrasuoni 6in1
Bestway's 2.006L Flowclear Filter Pump is essential for keeping your pool water clean and sanitized during the summer months.
The filtration pump circulates the clean water by pumping it out of the pool, through a filter cartridge, and throws it back again.
Two tubes positioned in two different points on the pool are included with the Bestway pump.
The end of the hose is connected to the inlet of the filter pump and the end of the other hose plugs into a socket.
The water is pumped out of the pool through the inlet hose, before being disinfected by the filter cartridge and pumped through the drain hose.
He then begins his journey all over again, providing clean and sanitized water.
The 2006 L Bestway Flowclear Filter Pump comes with an instruction manual to guide you through the simple installation procedure.
Riferimento: Tuya-AWQ01
Marca: Tuya
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