Indeks: bestway-58475
Marka: Bestway
Kulki filtracyjne Flowclear Bestway 58475
Poliestrowe kulki filtracyjne do pompy piaskowej
Simplify your life with Flowclear!
The Flowclear line of accessories offers a range of essential filtration products to take care of your pool.
You will easily find the most suitable product according to your specific need.
Ideal solution for cleaning your pool! Flowclear filter pumps offer filtration suitable for all types of above ground pools.
Bestway's high standards make the pump capable of filtering all the water inside the pool at least once every 8 hours.
Thanks to it, in fact, your above ground pool will always have clear water for the health and safety of the whole family.
The product works with TYPE II cartridges.
Do you have a practical mindset?
Filter pumps are optimal for those who prefer a comfortable and not complex product to be used for pool maintenance.
Indeks: bestway-58475
Marka: Bestway
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